Net Haiku selected by Hasegawa Kai
               translated by Kim and Pat

Mid-summer 2 , 2015


突然に炎のごとき夏となり                                    西川遊歩

totsuzen ni honō no gotoki natsu to nari                     Nishikawa, Yūho

              season word: natsu / summer


all of a sudden
like a flame it’s become



睨まれて暑さを睨み返しけり                                三玉一郎

niramarete atsusa o nirami kaeshikeri                        Mitama, Ichirō

              season word: atsusa / summer heat


being glared at
by the summer heat
glaring back



貧しくて蝗美味しと食べしころ                                伊藤昭子

mazushikute inago oishi to tabeshi koro                        Itō, Akiko

              season word: inago / grasshopper


poor we were
when grasshoppers were



あのころはみな痩せてゐし敗戦忌                               小川もも子

ano koro wa mina yasete ishi haisenki                            Ogawa, Momoko

              season word: haisenki / anniversary of defeat in World War


in those days
we were all thin ——
anniversary of defeat



からす二羽ひそと遠見る大暑かな                             服部紀子

karasu niwa hisoto ochi miru taisho kana                      Hattori, Noriko

              season word; taisho / the day of “extreme heat"   on the lunar calendar


blistering heat ——
two crows silently
gaze into the distance



音楽の流るるごとく薔薇咲きぬ                             佐々木まき

ongaku no nagaruru gotoku bara sakinu                       Sasaki, Maki

              season word: bara / rose


like music flowing
roses have bloomed



真夏の日輝くように皿洗ふ                                    城田音女

manatsu no hi kagayaku yō ni sara arau                     Shirota, Otome

              season word: manatsu / mid-summer


mid-summer day ——
washing the dishes
until they shine


国ぢゆうが身をよじりたる暑さかな             木下誠

kunijū ga mi o yojiritaru atsusa kana               Kinoshita, Makoto

              season word: atsusa / summer heat


summer heat ——
the whole country



風死して干潟の泥の照り返し                                川辺酸模

kaze shishite higata no doro no terikaeshi                   Kawabe, Sukanpo

              season word: higata / tideland


wind dies ——
the muddy tidal flat
reflecting summer heat

About Hasegawa Kai, Kim Komurasaki(the Shiki team)

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Brief summary of "Haiku translation project"