Net Haiku selected by Hasegawa Kai
               translated by Kim and Pat

October, 2014

すくいてはこぼしてはまた今年米               上田雅子

sukuite wa koboshite wa mata kotoshimai    Ueda, Masako

season word: kotoshimai / this year’s rice


scooping it up
letting it spill
this year’s rice



かぐはしきものに数へん今年米                               上田雅子

kaguwashiki mono ni kazoen kotoshimai                       Ueda, Masako

season word: kotoshimai / this year’s rice



counting it among
the sweet-smelling things
this year’s rice



別れ際投げてよこしぬひょんの笛                             西川遊歩

wakaregiwa nagete yokoshinu hyon no fue                   Nishikawa, Yûho

season word: hyon no fue / an insect gall whistle

 (from the fruit of the isu tree traditionally used by Japanese children in play)


on parting
an insect gall whistle
tossed toward me



行く秋の曳きゆく澪の白さかな                               篠原隆子

yuku aki no hikiyuku mio no shirosa kana                    Shinohara, Takako

season word: yuku aki / passing autumn


how white
the boat’s wake
of passing autumn



二匹ゐて人を惑はす鉦叩                                           三玉一郎

nihiki ite hito o madowasu kanetataki                            Mitama, Ichirô

season word; kanetataki / tapping cricket


there are two ——
deceiving us
tapping crickets



どこそこの何のなにがし落葉掃く               北側松太

doko soko no nan no nanigashi ochiba haku    Kitagawa, Matsuta

season word: ochiba / fallen leaves


sweeping fallen leaves



蝕終えて月皓皓と寒露かな                           西野ひろみ

shoku oete tsuki kôkô to kanro kana                 Nishino, Hiromi

season word; kanro / early winter dew


after the eclipse
the moon shines brilliantly
early winter dew



うたふ薔薇匍匐の蜂や秋まひる                                  柚木紀子

utau bara budô no hachi ya aki mahiru                          Yûki, Noriko

season word: aki / autumn


singing bees
of roses and grapes ——
broad daylight in autumn



あゝと声もらし夜寒の床に入る                                   村松二本

aa to koe morashi yosamu no toko ni iru                         Muramatsu, Nihon

season word: yosamu / the chill of night


letting out a sigh
getting into bed
in the chill of night



ふくらんで菊のつぼみの二三百                              村松二本

fukurande kiku no tsubomi no nisanbyaku                   Muramatsu, Nihon

season word: kiku / chrysanthemum


two or three hundred buds
on the chrysanthemums



きのふ見し梯子そのまま柿の天                                小川もも子

kinô mishi hashigo sonomama kaki no ten                    Ogawa, Momoko

season word: kaki / persimmon


sky over the persimmons
the ladder I saw yesterday
still there



胸元が少しくれなゐ小鳥来る                                澤田美那子

munamoto ga sukoshi kurenai kotori kuru                   Sawada, Minako          

season word: kotori kuru / migratory birds come


it’s breast
slightly red
a migratory bird comes


About Hasegawa Kai, Kim Komurasaki(the Shiki team)

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Brief summary of "Haiku translation project"