Net Haiku selected by Hasegawa Kai
               translated by Kim and Pat



竹落葉風あるごとく散りにけり    上田雅子
takeochiba kaze aru gotoku chirinikeri    Ueda, Masako

season word: takeochiba/ falling bamboo leaves 

bamboo leaves

have been falling
as if there’s a wind  

Comment by Hasegawa Kai:
The composer described the calm windless scene as if the wind was blowing.
This expression is soft, but bold.

蛇の衣蛇の哀しさ人知れず      岩井善子
hebi no kinu hebi no kanashisa hitoshirezu  Iwai, Yoshiko

season word: hebi no kinu/ cast-off snakeskin

cast-off snakeskin,
snake’s sorrow
Comment by Hasegawa Kai:                     
It seems that she has now reached at the age when she can understand the sorrow of snakes. Now that she has become able to compose haiku like this, her haiku will be come bottomless.  

南天の花の浮かんでくる夜明け    村松二本
nanten no hana no ukandekuru yoake  Muramatsu, Nihon

season word: nanten no hana / flowers of heavenly bamboo

in the dawn

emerging flowers of
heavenly bamboo  

Comment by Hasegawa Kai:

The flowers of heavenly bamboo are white and fine. This haiku is like a miniature.

ねこの世の自由自在や籐寝椅子   長井亜紀
neko no yo no jiyūjizai ya tōneisu   Nagai, Aki

          season word: tōneisu/ rattan sofa

completely in control
in the world of the cat
the rattan sofa
Comment by Hasegawa Kai:
We can see the cat’s graceful way of moving.

なかなかに六月無礼とはいかず    広岡育子
nakanaka ni rokugatsu burei towa ikazu   Hiraoka, Ikuko

          season word: rokugatsu / June


it can be said to be
“June rudeness"
Comment by Hasegawa Kai:

“June rudeness” means that being so hot in June, or July according to the lunar calendar, people could be allowed to wear informal clothing and show more skin. It is much nicer expression than the currently used “cool biz”.

番犬の律儀に吠ゆる暑さかな      三木紀幸
banken no richigi ni hoyuru atsusa kana    Noriyuki, Miki

season word: atsusa / summer heat

the watchdog
barks loyally
summer heat

Comment by Hasegawa Kai:

At the height of summer, loyalty is a vice rather than a virtue.

頃合ひを見に来る小鳥さくらんぼ    田中ただし
koroai o minikuru kotori sakuranbo      Tanaka, Tadashi

         season word: sakuranbo / cherries 

small birds come to see
if the time is right

Comment by Hasegawa Kai:

We can understand very well how the birds feel.


About Hasegawa Kai, Kim Komurasaki(the Shiki team)

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